Payments for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are due every term. Please find the corresponding amount to each section and instructions for payment below.
Beavers – €50/ term
Cubs – €50/ term
Scouts – €50/ term
Explorers – €50/ term
How to pay
Payments in cash and bank transfer are the only methods we use
The Group utilises OSM, Online Scout Manager.
When a Young Person joins the Group, a parent or guardian will be invited to join the OSM “Parent Portal” via an email from your Section Leader.
Once you have set up an account you will then be able to check and update your child’s details. Once you are logged in, on the left-hand side under “My Child” you will see several headings:
Noticeboard – An area where your leaders can leave a message for its section members.
Payments – To pay Subscriptions and for additional Events and Activities.
Events – Details of events that your child has been invited to and signed up to.
Badges – Details of badges that your child has completed or working towards.
Personal Details – This is where you can update all of your child’s details, medical details, allergies, dietary needs, emergency contact details, school, religion and provide your consent choices for photo publicity.
Emails – You can see all the emails that you have been sent to you by your section and by the group during the past 3 months.
Gift Aid – You can see/update your Gift Aid Declaration.
OSM (Online Scout Manager) is where all the records of our young people are stored. OSM is a GDPR Compliant, cloud based system located in the United Kingdom.